Minutes: June 09, 2022
The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on, June 09, 2022, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana. Present were Steve Rosencranz, Chairman; and Rod Tauck, Vice Chair. Mike Watkins, Member was absent.
There was no public comment.
Sheriff Neil Kittlemann and DES Coordinator Georgia Bruski joined the meeting to review the 2022-2023 fiscal year budget. Neil has planned for increases in maintenance and repairs due to rising costs. He plans to purchase software systems and two laptops to upgrade the sheriff’s office communication with dispatch and allow the Deputies digital access to records in conjunction with Fallon County.
County Attorney Corbit Harrington, Clerk and Recorder Pam Castleberry, and Deputy Clerk and Recorder Judy Wright joined the meeting.
Georgia made no changes to the Disaster and Emergency Services budget this year. She requested permission to set up in kind agreement to exchange DES assistance during the events if either Dale or Georgia are absent from the counties in which they are appointed. Neil and Georgia left the meeting.
Ekalaka Public Library 2022-23 fiscal year budget with Librarian Pat Kalstrom and Library Board Chair Denise Strickland, The Library is doing well with the levied $12,000.00 and has plans to update the collection and offer educational presentations to the public. Pat and Denise left the meeting.
The Commissioners called Cody Taggart of Scull Construction and Jeff Berkstrom of Muth Electric with questions regarding the new hospital generator.
Carter Co. DES Coordinator Georgia Bruski and Fallon Co. Dale Butori joined the meeting for a final approval of the road naming for John and Julie Courtney. They have requested permission to name the road going into their newly established home to be 525 JC Lane.
Carter and Fallon Counties have worked together over the years to implement the 911 addressing system. Therefore, to comply with that system the address of the Courtney’s property must corollate with 911 no matter what they chose to name their private road. The landowner would be responsible for purchasing a sign for the road and Dale and Georgia would notify KLJ Engineering so that they may update the address system.
Dale would like to work with the Fallon, Carter and Wibaux Commissions as well as attorneys to draft a unified addressing and road naming policy. He plans to have a draft ready by July 30, 2022.
Dale also gave an update on the 911 budget including the mandatory updates of the 911 console, software system and microwave repeaters. This will be done through a cost share with Carter, Wibaux and Fallon Counties.
The meeting broke for lunch at 12:00 and called to order at 1:00 pm
The Public Health Budget
Phone in: Commissioner Mike Watkins, Public Health Officer/ Nurse Trish Loughlin, and Public Health Nurse Kirstie Nelson. Joining the meeting in person; Public Health manager Stefanie Harrington, Clerk and Recorder Pam Castleberry, Deputy Clerk and Recorder Judy Wright and Attorney Corbit Harrington.
There was an overview of the Health Department 2022-23 Fiscal Year budget. They have reduced the budget for professional services and increased the budget for vaccine purchases.
They are planning a Care Van event in July for school age vaccinations. They are waiting on approval from the State of Montana to proceed with the WIC program.
The Commission opened the discussion on the Congregate Living Coordinator grant funds (CLC) that was tabled at the May 16, 2022 meeting. The Commission requested an opinion from MACo that recommends that the County not apply for the CLC grant funds, but if they do the funds should be dispersed as hazardous pay. The total amount received by Carter County was $21,760.00 for the first 3 installments.
Commissioner Watkins made the motion to return the CLC funds to the MDHHS and accept no further funding from the CLC grant. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. Stefanie commented that the Health Department would no longer provide the services of Congregate Living Coordinator. The motion carried unanimously.
There was a review of the ad requesting members to the Public Health Board.
Trish Laughlin stated that she will send a letter of resignation from the Public Health Officer position. The meeting with public Health ended.
The Predator Board joined the meeting – Ralph Brownfield, David Wolff, Jeff Tauck, and Tom Jardee. The Predator Board 2022-23 Fiscal year budget will remain the same other than the predator control contracts that will be open at the beginning of the fiscal year. They will place an ad for the Arial hunter contract next week.
The Board Predator would like to hire a paid secretary to take minutes at their meetings and perform other duties as assigned. The hours would be approximately 10 hours a year.
The Board requested attorney Harrington make an amendment to the By-laws to include a clause regarding removal from the Board for missing scheduled meetings. They will be mailing out permission to hunt letters to the landowner in the near future. The Predator Board meeting adjourned.
Kurt Hansen, Sioux District Ranger and Denise Zelnoski of the United States Forest Service joined the meeting with the updated in-kind weed spraying agreement between The Forest Service and Carter County. The agreement includes an increase in funding over previous years that will roll over from year to year.
Commissioner Tauck made the motion to approve the agreement for the amount of $13,500.00. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.
Kurt filled the Commission in on possible up coming thinning contracts and the completed thinning contract in the Ekalaka Hills. They are still looking into completing the needed repairs on Forest Service roads. Kurt and Denise left the meeting.
Dahl Memorial CEO Ryan Tooke joined the meeting, with Commissioner Watkins joining by phone. Ryan presented the Fire, Life Safety survey report for the New Hospital. The items on the list for repair or correction must be competed by June 15, 2022. Dahl Memorial has sent the inspector a plan of correction that has been accepted. Ryan has been working with Scull Construction and Slate Architecture to complete the needed corrections. He requested permission to get quotes to pour cement for 3 of the entries into the building and install 8 magnetic holds on interior doors which the commission granted. Ryan stated that Dahl Memorial will cover the cost of the magnetic door holds. Ryan will return to the commission with a progress report on July 15, 2022.
Carter County District Court Clerk Tracey Walker joined the meeting for the 2022-23 budget review for District Court, Superintendent of Schools, and passport budget. She has not made any changes to the budgets this year. She did request permission to use passport funds purchase new chairs for the Courtroom. Commissioner Watkins suggested using District Court funds for the chairs. Tracey left the meeting.
Justice of the Peace Kathy Rosencranz joined the meeting to present her 2022-23 fiscal year budget. She has not made any changes to this year’s funds except for any wage increase if it is approved by the Salary Compensation Board. Kathy left the meeting.
Stacey Ashbrook called into the meeting to report issues with the rental of Camp Needmore. The commission is aware of some of the problems and have been in contact with the Camp Needmore Board to correct them.
Clerk and Recorder Pam Castleberry informed the Commission that they should have received an email form MACo with State fuel tax allocation in the amount of $61,285.32.
The commission set the agenda for the June 13, 2022 meeting.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:45.
Board of County Commissioners
Carter County, Montana
Attest:/s: Steve Rosencranz Attest: /s: Pamela J Castleberry
Steve Rosencranz, Chairman Clerk of the Board