Agenda: Public Health Board Meeting

Carter County Board of Health Meeting Agenda                                                                                                                                                                        Page | 1

Location: Carter County Courthouse, 214 Park Street, Ekalaka, MT 59324

Date: January 27, 2022 @ 1:00 PM

Call the meeting to order:  Steve Rosencranz, Chair

Approve minutes: January 13, 2021 Rod Tauck, Secretary

 New Business

·         Public Hearing to review the By-laws of the Carter County Board of Health

·         Credit Card Use

Public Comment on non-agenda items – 15-minute time limit for comments

This is the time for comment on public matters that are NOT on the agenda. Members of the audience are encouraged to briefly address the members of the Board of Health on an issue that is not on the agenda. The Board Chair will seek comments from the audience on agenda items as they occur.



Agenda: January 31, 2022


Agenda: January 27, 2022