Meeting Minutes: February 10,2022
The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Thursday, February 10, 2022, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana. Steve Rosencranz, Chairman; Rod Tauck, Vice Chair; were present. Mike Watkins; member was absent.
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am.
There was no public comment.
Commissioner Tauck made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from January 27 and 31, 2022 with corrections. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried unanimously.
Troy Fruit, Airport Board President joined the meeting. The Board and Troy discussed the airport Hangar reimbursement #2 which totaled $37,342.00. Commissioner Tauck made the motion to sign the reimbursement. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.
County Attorney Corbit Harrington joined the meeting.
There was discussion regarding the Airport Board by-laws. The next quarterly airport board meeting may be scheduled with the Commission.
OAC meeting
Present: Clerk and Recorder Pam Castleberry, Deputy Clerk and Recorder Judy Wright, Dahl Memorial CEO. Ryan Tooke, and Troy Fruit.
Phone in: Scott Cromwell and Kelly Axtmen of Slate Architect. John Neisner and Cody Taggart of Scull Construction.
Action Items:
Sewer gas smell in room 1249 and the water leak in the kitchen will be corrected when Star Plumbing is on site February 15, 2022.
The electrical receptacle in room 1227B (Public Health Department 1228) works, the issue with the electrical outlets in the room is that there isn’t a receptacle that is wired into the generator. This is an issue for the vaccine refrigerator and freezer. Ryan requested the receptacles on the North wall in the family room be wired into the generator as well.
Uninsulated wall in room 1123 has been insulated and patched.
The patient room temperatures. The window manufactures have been notified and they are gathering all project information before coming on site to do testing. The contractors have adjusted the diffusers in the residents’ rooms near the windows. Cody, Norpac and Scott will be on site to adjust the climate control systems.
Dietary office room (1251) temperature. The thermostat is on the outside of the office and controls the entire kitchen and office area.
Kitchen Breakers. Muth Electric was on site this week. They installed another circuit to split up the equipment and plugged the equipment into the correct outlets.
Electrical Doors- TC glass has walked through the proper procedure to fix the operation of the automatic doors in extreme temperatures with the maintenance staff at Dahl Memorial. Ryan stated that they are still having difficulties with the doors possibly because the sensors are freezing over.
Judy requested the installation of the antennas for the ER garage doors. Cody believes that the antenna brackets have been installed and the antennas themselves were shipped to Dahl. Ryan will check to see if they have received the antennas.
The OAC meeting adjourned at 11:00.
Pam requested that Ryan compile a list of construction costs paid by Dahl Memorial. She stated that there may be funds available to offset these costs.
Judy and Ryan left the meeting.
There was discussion of the use of BARSSA Funds for the repair of Highway 7 through the petition. The funds for 2021, resolution # 09303031-01 have been committed to gravel crushing at various ravel pits located throughout the County.
The meeting broke for lunch at 12:00 and reconvened at 1:00.
Guests to the meeting included Carter/ Fallon Extension Agent Amanda Williams. Mikal Fruit, Camille Laughery, and Event Center care taker Courtney Montgomery.
Amanda requested a waiver for the Extension Department that would cover 4-H, shooting sports, home makers clubs, Fair Board, and Weed District.
Commissioner Tauck made the motion to approve the waiver from deposit for County related agencies. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.
There was discussion on who would be allowed to have copies of the keys and how and where the keys would be stored. Courtney will look into a coded lock box to store the keys in for ease of returning and picking up the keys. Steve agreed that keys may be check out to 4-H Shooting sports during the season as well as Fair Board and Carter / Fallon Extension.
Amanda Williams signed the Facility Use Agreement and the deposit waiver. Amanda, Mikal, Camille, and Pam left the meeting.
Commissioner Tauck made the motion to approve the proposal for repair of the Courthouse elevator with Otis in the amount of $16,185.25. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried. The Commission signed the elevator repair proposal and maintenance contract with Otis for the Courthouse elevator.
Commissioner Tauck made the motion to publish the Highway 7 repair petition in the Ekalaka Eagle, and the Fallon County Times and the Wibaux paper. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried. The petition will be available for signatures in the Clerk and Recorders office in Carter County, Fallon County and Wibaux County as well as various businesses in Carter County.
Carter County maintenance Bob Jacobs stopped in to let the commission know that he has changed the locks on several of the doors at the Event Center and will complete the project early next week.
Deputy Clerk and Recorder Judy Wright stepped into the meeting request clarification on the amount of the Contract between Carter County and Stahly Engineering for the Road use evaluation.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 3:15 pm.
Board of County Commissioners
Carter County, Montana
Attest:/s Rod Tauck Attest:/s Pamela J Castleberry
Vice-Chair Clerk of the Board