Meeting Minutes: June 06, 2021
The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Monday June 07, 2021 in the Carter County Board Room of the Carter County Courthouse in Ekalaka, Montana; Steve Rosencranz, Chairman, Rod Tauck, Vice Chair; and Mike Watkins, member was present.
Board Chairman Steve Rosencranz called the meeting to order at 9:00 am.
Judy Wright, Deputy Clerk and Recorder came in to let the commissioner know that she weeded the flower beds in the front of the courthouse. She suggested that the flower beds be turned back to grass so that the area could be mowed rather then not maintained. Commissioner Watkins suggested using Preen in the beds.
Georgia Bruski, DES and Sheriff’s office joined the meeting to review the 2021-2022 preliminary budget. DES Budget: She has applied for a $20,000.00 grant, of which Carter County usually receives half. There is a Pre-disaster mitigation plan (PDM) grant for $8,000.00 that will go through Fallon Co. Montana Counties are required to have a PDM plan to qualify for FEMA funding.
Clerk and Recorder, Pam Castleberry joined the meeting
Georgia also reviewed the Sheriff Department 2021-2022 budget. There was an increase to the supplies line item to include the purchase of a new computer and radios.
Carter Co. Attorney Corbit Harrington joined the meeting.
Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve the corrected minutes for May 28, 2021 and the June 01, 2021 meetings. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.
The commissioners discussed the cleanup at Mill Iron. Attorney Harrington has contacted DEQ regarding the cleanup. He looked in to the Brownfield program.
Stefanie Harrington, the Public Health Department Manager joined the meeting. She spoke to Ryan Tooke, Dahl Memorial CEO, Mid- Rivers Communication, and DIS Technologies regarding secure IT services for the Public Health Department when the offices are moved to the new hospital building.
There was discussion about where the emergency phone in the new hospital building would call in an emergency situation. It will call into Otis and then possibly the nurse’s station. This brought up the need for a maintenance operation manual for the new hospital building.
The commission placed a call to Dan Semmons and Courtney Ellis, Dorsey and Whitney LLP; Bond Counsel. The commissioners, Corbit, and Stefanie reviewed the points to consider when drafting the Lease agreement and the RFP for the new hospital building.
Corbit will provide all the necessary information to include in these documents by Friday. Courtney will provide a skeleton lease agreement and retainer agreement thereafter. The call ended at 12:00.
The commission broke for lunch at 12:05 and reconvened at 1:20 pm
Present for the salary Compensation Board meeting included members: Larry Tauck, and Pam Castleberry, Tina Ketchum. Also present; Neil Kittlemann, Tracey walker, Jessi Pearson, and Corbit Harrington.
Jessie Scott came to the commission meeting to ask when the airport parking area project will be finished. She would like to have access to the shop where the concrete has been cut. Commissioner Rosencranz stated that he would look into taking care of this issue. Jessie left the meeting.
Sheriff Neil Kittlemann provided documentation of changes in the laws pertaining the to the salary of the Under Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff. These amounts would be equal to 98% and 85%-95% of the Sheriffs salary.
Jessi Pearson made the motion to increase the base salary by 2.8%. This included the base salary increase of 1% and the cost of living increase 1.8% as per MACO. There was discussion about taxable values, cost of living and base salaries of similar sized Montana Counties.
Tracey Walker seconded the motion. Members voted for commissioners Rosencranz and Tauck didn’t vote. The motion did not pass.
Commissioner Tauck made the motion for a 2.5% increase in base salary. Larry Tauck seconded the motion. Jessi Person apposed the motion. The motion carried.
The salary Compensation Board left the meeting at 2:00.
Tracey Walker Clerk of District Court/ Superintendent of Schools, 2021-2022 preliminary budget review with the commission.
The Commission received an Encroachment Permit from Mid-rivers Communication for a communication line to be installed parallel to the Kim Curry Rd. The commission contacted Carl Knapp, Road and Bridge Supervisor, for recommendations on the location of the cable. Consensuses was the line should be 24’-30’ from the center of the road. The Encroachment permit will be returned to Mid-
rivers with this update.
Sheriff Neil Kittlemann joined the meeting to request a signature from Commissioner Rosencranz on the Federal Surplus Sales Order for the purchase of the fire truck from DNRC. This truck is a 1989 International, purchased for $2500.00 and will stationed at Alzada. Sheriff Kittlemann left the meeting.
The commission called Troy Fruit, Airport Board president to discuss the Airport parking area project. He will contract Jesperson Construction about hauling gravel in the area by the weed shop so that the weed trucks and pull into the side door. Commissioner Rosencranz and Troy will look into the project further if Jesperson Construction can not do the work by the end of June.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 3:35.
Board of County Commissioners
Carter County, Montana
Attest: s/: Steve Rosencranz Attest s/: Pamela Castleberry
Chairman Clerk of the Board