Meeting Minutes: March 10, 2022

The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Thursday, March 10, 2022, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana.  Steve Rosencranz, Chairman; Rod Tauck, Vice Chair and Mike Watkins, Member; were present.

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am.

There was no public comment

Lily Griego Region 8 director of The Federal Department of Health and Human Services Zoom meeting.

Present: Carter County public Health Department Supervisor Stefanie Harrington and Carter County Public Health nurse Kirstie Neilson and, County Attorney Corbit Harrington. Clerk and Recorder Pam Castleberry. Phone in: Pubic Health Officer/ Health nurse, Trish Laughlin

Director Griego is reaching out to all Counties in her region to make herself and her staff available to assist the Counties and Public Health departments.  The issues she has heard the most include lack of mental health services. Work force shortages and lack of healthcare resources. Director Griego would like to ensure that the lines of communication between herself and the areas the she serve are open and she is available to assist. Her department has a newsletter that they will send to the Carter County Public Health Department. The zoom meeting ended.

The Public Health Department Personnel meeting was attended by Stefanie Harrington and Kirstie Neilson. Trish Loughlin was on the phone for the meeting.

Commissioner Rosencranz asked The Health Department if they see a reason to implement a chain of command for the Carter Co Department of Health. They do not want a chain of command at this time. They have implemented a Monday staff meeting that has opened lines of communication and set duties for each person in the department.

The discussion then turned to the office hours of the Public Health Office. Kirstie called serval Health Departments and discovered that most smaller departments are open to the public four days a week for 9 to 5.

Commissioners stated that the office should be open during regular business hours. They requested the number of people seen in a day. The number of people seen in a day varies depending on the vaccination schedules for the office.  Kirstie and Stefanie would like to see the office open Monday – Thursday with Friday used to catch up with office duties.

Commissioner Tauck made the motion to set the hours of the Carter County Public Health Office as Monday – Thursday, from 9 am to 5 pm. With office staffed and open to the public. The office will be closed on Fridays; staff may complete needed forms and paperwork during that time. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. there was no public comment. The motion carried unanimously.

The Carter County Health Department requested permission to purchase a refrigerator/ freezer combination, adult and infant scale, a blood pressure machine, and a glucose testing machine for total cost of 15,000.00. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to purchase the refrigerator/ freezer combination, adult and infant scale, a blood pressure machine, and a glucose testing machine for the Public Health Department. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. there was no public comment and the motion carried.

The Health Department will look into grant funds to help cover the cost of the items needed to finish setting up the new Public Health offices. The may also be able to secure a grant to help purchase a medical records system.

There was a discussion regarding after hours calls to the health department. The Department needs to be available to the MDHHS and Dahl Memorial Health Care around the clock. They may not need to be available to the public 24 – 7. Trish recommended a simple phone log to keep track of calls.

The employees have each written up a job description.

The meeting broke for lunch at 12:15 and reconvened at 1:00

Town of Ekalaka Survey meeting.

Guests included: Crystal Bennet and Chad from Great Western Engineering. Lennet Cantwell, Lacey Keith, and Mariah Schneider, Town of Ekalaka. Clerk and Recorder Pam Castleberry. Phone in Cody Ferguson and Rebecca from the Department of Commerce.

The Town of Ekalaka has approved Great Western Engineering to work on the survey issues. 

The group discussed options for grant funds to help off set the cost of a new survey. The deadline for a planning is June 2022.

There was some discussion on current use survey. Home mortgages and title insurance have been an issue in the Town because of unclear property boundaries.  The group plans a seconded meeting to discuss funding availability.

Crystal briefly outlined the steps for the payout process for the ARPA funds that the County passed through to the Town for the water line replacement project. The Town will approve the draw and send claim to Carter County for approval and payment.

The Town survey meeting ended.

Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve the ballot request of $260,000 for operation and maintenance for Dahl Memorial Hospital. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. there was no public comment and the motion passed. 

 Carter County Attorney Corbit Harrington will write an agreement between Dahl Memorial and the County outlining operational maintenance and clarify procedure.

Senior Transportation Director Trisha Lovec stepped into the meeting where they discussed the purchase of the new van.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:02 P.M.

Board of County Commissioners

Carter County, Montana

Attest:/s: Steve Rosencranz                            Attest:/s: Pamela J Castleberry

Steve Rosencranz, Chairman                                                    Clerk of the Board


Agenda: March 31, 2022


Meeting Minutes: March 07, 2022