Meeting Minutes:July 06, 2021

The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday July 06, 2021 in the Carter County Courthouse Board Meeting room of the Carter County Courthouse in Ekalaka, Montana.  Steve Rosencranz Chairman, and Rod Tauck Vice Chair, were present. Mike Watkins member, was absent.  Board Chairman Steve Rosencranz called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

Guests include, Rick Fike, Fike Crushing Inc. and Carl Knapp Road and Bridge Supervisor and Corbit Harrington, County Attorney.

Brownfield gravel crushing Bid opening: 50,000 cu yds of 1 ¼ minus gravel

·         Wyrick Construction                                       $4.70/ yard

·         Fike Crushing Inc                                              $2.50/ yard

Commissioner Tauck made the motion to accept Fike Crushing Inc. bid of 2.50/ yard. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion.  There was no public comment and the motion carried. 

Pilgrim Creek gravel Haul- 6 miles

·         Walker Livestock                                              $75,600.00 / 363 loads

Commissioner Tauck made the motion to accept Walker Livestock bid of $75,600.00. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Carl Knapp Road and Bridge Supervisor; Gray truck engine repair. Presented options that included, not repairing the engine. Have the current engine rebuilt at a commercial shop and purchasing a used engine and installing it at the County Shop. The commission approved the purchase of the rebuilt engine.

Carl also has the budget for two new trucks that he would like to advertise bids for. Commissioner Tauck made the motion to advertise for bids on two new trucks. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.                            

 The Road and Bridge Department will up date the Landowner agreement for the West Thomas gravel pit. Carl left the meeting.

Judy Wright Deputy Clerk and Recorder present the commission with a replacement warrant for Mid-Rivers Communication payment that was lost in the mail. The original warrant # 38194.  Commissioner Tauck made the motion to approve the replacement warrant # 38384 for the Mid-Rivers payment in the amount of $2,150.03. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Bob Jacobs County Maintenance joined the meeting to discuss issue with bees in the archway at the entrance to the Courthouse. Bob left the meeting.

The RFP and lease engagement letter from Dorsey & Whiney were reviewed and discussed by the commissioners. Commissioner Tauck made the motion to engage Dorsey & Whitney for the RFP and lease agreement for the new hospital building.  Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Commissioner Tauck made the motion to accept the resignation of Gwen Schultz from the museum. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. There was no public comment, the motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Tauck made the motion to approve the meeting minutes for June 21st and 24th, 2021. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

The commission discussed the bathroom urinals and the Landscaping for the hospital building project.

 County Sheriff Neil Kittlemann joined the meeting to discuss JP Smith road repair. There have been several fires in the area and the road is difficult to get to the fires with the condition of the road. Neil requested The County donate 3 or 4 loads of gravel. Attorney Harrington suggested that Neil request letters of in kind with the BLM and Forest Service to put gravel on the JP Smith road. Neil left the meeting.

The meeting broke for lunch at 11:45 and reconvened at 1:05

The commissioners completed a walk-through inspection of the hospital building. The meeting adjourned at 2:30.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 3:30.

Board of County Commissioners

Carter County, Montana

Attest: s/ Steve Rosencranz                            Attest: s/ Pamela J Castleberry

Chairman of the Board                                                            Clerk of the Board


Agenda: July 22, 2021


Meeting Minutes: June 30, 2021