Minutes: August 26, 2021

The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Thursday, August 26, 2021, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana.  Steve Rosencranz, Chairman; Rod Tauck, Vice Chairman; and Mike Watkins, member was present. 

Chairman Steve Rosencranz called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM.

Commissioner Rosencranz asked for public comment. There was no public comment.

Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve the council on aging 2022 fiscal year budget. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Commissioner Tauck made the motion to approve the Range Telephone, Hammond Rd Encroachment Permit. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Commissioner Watkins made a motion to approve the minutes from August 16, 2021. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

The commission reviewed the commission proceedings from August 09, 2021. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to open the minutes from August 09, 2021 to correct the road listed to be graveled. The minutes should read 7/10 of mile on Pilgrim Creek Road and not Coal Creek Rd. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

County Maintenance Bob Jacobs joined the meeting to make the commission aware that The State Boiler Inspector is scheduled to inspect old hospital boilers this afternoon. Both boilers will need repairs if the nursing home residents stay in the old building through the winter.

Bob also expressed that new hospital did not pass inspection for occupancy yesterday. The generator needs 24 hours test and there is a leak in the roof that must be corrected. Bob left the meeting.

Stewart Kirkpatrick legal council for The Board of Dahl Memorial Health Care stopped into the meeting for introductions and an overview of DMHC action plan. Stewart left the meeting.

Clerk and Recorder Pam Castleberry joined the meeting.

Eric Lovec from the Ekalaka Eagle joined the meeting. He suggested submitting the Commission Proceedings weekly or monthly. He can base the charges on word count or by the page length.  He will research the cost of each and as well as if there is a set amount that he would have to legally charge to print the proceedings. He will get back to the commissioners with a quote and or information regarding subscribes today. Eric left the meeting.

The meeting broke for lunch at 11:35 and called to order at 1:03.

Meeting with Attorney Stewart Kirkpatrick Crowley Fleck, Attorney’s Dan Semmens, Alissa Smith Dorsey and Whitney, Steve McNeece and Laura of CAH Solutions, Ryan Tooke DMHC CEO.  and Dahl Memorial Hospital Board. Guests also included members of the public. See attached sign in sheet.  

Attorney Kirkpatrick requested that the commissioners to delay or stop the request for proposal (RFP) and extend the lease for 18 months.

He went on to explain that Dahl Memorial Board of Directors hired CAH Solutions Steve McNeese to facilitate an operating plan. This plan includes:

·         Monthly reports to Dahl Memorial Directors and quarterly reports to the commissioner if they choose.

·         Setting goals in patient care.

·         Fostering a cooperative relationship with the public, County Public Health, and the County Commission.

·         The staff will participate in a training and mentoring program.

They have separated the duties of the CEO and CFO. Dahl Memorial is currently going through a third-party audit of the 2020-2021 financials. CAH Solutions and DMHC plan to meet regularly with the Carter County Commission to update them on the audit and the operating plan.

They have spoken to larger Hospitals to help Dahl Memorial. Billings Clinic and SLC Holy Rosery Healthcare of Miles City. It could take years to set systems in place with any interested provider.

Attorney Kirkpatrick continued; the RFP timeline is too aggressive. Dahl Memorial or other providers would need time to acquire licenses, new application for critical care access and MPI number. They would like the opportunity to cover the list of RFP by negating the lease.

Commissioner Rosencranz requested comment from the quests and the public.

The audit firm has worked with CAH Solutions previously. They have no financial ties. The company is based out of Spokane. They specialize in audits of critical care access hospitals and maybe able to assist with CARES funding reports.

Commissioners asked why they requested an 18-month extension on the lease. Steve McNeese requested an 18-month extension of the lease. They may be able to have a lease draft prepared in 30 days. The meeting with the hospital board and attorneys adjourned and the guests left the meeting.

Stefanie Harrington Carter County Public Health manger stayed were there was discussion of COVID-19 cases in Carter County and the state requirement for contract tracing.

Bob Jacobs County Maintenance joined the meeting to inform the commission that the old hospital building boilers passed inspection for 1 year.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:20 pm.

Board of County Commissioners

Carter County, Montana

Attest:/s: Steve Rosencranz                               Attest:/s: Pamela J Castleberry

Steve Rosencranz, Chairman                                                       Clerk of the Board


Minutes: August 30, 2021


Agenda:September 13, 2021 edited