Minutes: December 7, 2020

Commission Proceedings


The Carter County Commissioners met on Monday, December 07, 2020 in the Carter County Courthouse Boardroom. Present were Steve Rosencranz Chairman, Rod Tauck Vice Chair, and Mike Watkins, member. Commissioner Rosencranz called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM

Georgia Bruski. DES coordinator and Pat Strickland, COVID-19 test sample courier, joined the meeting to let the commissioners know that Fallon County has changed their testing procedures. They will be using the quick test in their own lab. They will only send negative tests on to Miles City and possibly only a few days a week. The commissioners suggested Pat contact Kim Cuppy in Fallon County to work out a schedule for COVID-19 Test sample delivery. Georgia and Pat left the meeting.

Vicky Knapp, Dahl Memorial Activities department, joined the meeting to ask permission to put up an Angel tree for the residents in the Courthouse. Dahl Memorial nursing home is not allowing visitors and she would still like to provide the gifts for the residents. The commissioners agreed to allow the Angel tree to be set up in the entry of the Courthouse. Vicky left the meeting.

The commissioners discussed the metering of the electrical bill at the airport.

OAC Meeting# 29

Present: Casey Cuny, Cody Taggart, Scull Construction. Scott Cromwell Slate Architect, Georgia Bruski, Ryan Tooke DMHC. Phone in: Kelly Axmann Slate Architect, John Neisner and Robert Johnson Scull Construction. Greg Benjamin Stahly Engineering.

Safety and security: New subcontractors on sight encouraged to be respectful of all finished materials on the job.

Action Items: Commissioner Rosencranz placed a call to Don Nadeau. He has placed a bid to plumb in the propane tanks for the hospital project. He will have the bid to the commissioners by the Thursday's meeting. Scull Construction is reaching out to other installers for quotes.

Design teams: Canopy details Scull Construction will be working on a price for installation.

Contract Progress: Area C cabinets delivered Monday. Flooring starting this week. Trim, wall covering and electrical in area C started. Ceiling grid finished in area C. Wallboard and texture in area B2.

Kelly is working on signage this week.

Owner/ Architect: Change Order# 6 and #7 To be signed on 12/10/2020.

Slate Architect proposed adding soffit panels under the Canopies. Scull will bring a cost break down.

Commissioner Tauck made the motion to sign CAR #4 for $55,290.33. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Commissioner Watkins made a motion to approve the letter to President elect Joe Biden in support of the Keystone pipeline. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

The commissioners signed the letter from Action for Eastern Montana to receive Cares Act Funding.

The meeting broke for lunch at 12:00 and reconvened at 1:00.

The commissioners called Saber Moore, Museum Executive Director to see if she could locate a title or past owners' information for the old Jeep. Commissioners had the sheriffs office run the VIN# on the jeep. The commission and Attorney Harrington reviewed the junk vehicle laws.

Commissioner Watkins made a motion to approve the minutes from the 11-09-2020, 11-12-2020 and the 11-16-2020 Commissioners meeting. Commissioner Tauck seconded the meeting. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Renee Gnerer, County Sanitarian; checked in with the commissioners to let them know that she would be working irregular hours because of family medical issues.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 2:35pm

Board of County Commissioners

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Agenda: December 31, 2020


Agenda: December 21, 2020