Minutes: February 11, 2021
The Carter County Commissioners met on Thursday February 11, in the Carter County Courthouse Boardroom. Present were Steve Rosencranz Chairman, Rod Tauck Vice Chair, Mike Watkins Member, and County Attorney Corbit Harrington. Commissioner Rosencranz called the meeting to order at 9:00 pm.
Guests included Jesse Pearson Treasurer, Georgia Bruski DES Coordinator, Ryan Tooke DMHC CEO. Pam Castleberry Clerk and Recorder, and Troy Fruit Hospital Board Member.
The Board opened the meeting with public comment. Pam Castleberry, Clerk and Recorder commented in regard to the agenda item of renaming the New Hospital Building. She indicated that the language on the November, 2018 ballot reads a General Obligation Bond for "New Dahl Memorial Hospital building." This is a 17-year Bond and Dahl Memorials Contract is current through the end of 2021.
Jesi Pierson, County Treasurer stated that she has issues with renaming the new building something other than Dahl Memorial as it goes against the bond language and what the people of Carter County voted for. The Bond is written as Dahl Memorial Health Care Association. She asked the commissioners to speak to Dan Simmons, bond legal counsel before they name the new hospital building.
The commissioners stated they intend to proceed with dedication of the new building. This would include a name change and dedication to the tax payers of Carter County. Georgia, Ryan, and Jesi left the meeting.
Troy Fruit, Chairman of the Airport Board discussed the airport plowing and requested a substitute for Jesse Scott when she isn't available to plow. They discussed the possibility of Carl Knapp doing the plowing. Troy also suggested having Jesse as a full time Weed Board employee. The Airport would then contract for plowing and mowing services.
The Board reviewed the Road and Bridge projects for 2021-2022.
Cecile Kuehn, Carter County Payroll Clerk; was in regarding issues with Health Insurance billing. Insurance company bills for 2 months when new employee's sign on for insurance. The County has payed for one month since 2016, therefor Carter County has a balance due $7,600.00. Cecile recommends that the County pay this balance and then cover the two months due each time there's a new hire. The commission tabled the decision on this matter until Tuesday's meeting.
The Board requested that Corbit call Dan Simmons for advice on the naming and dedication of the new Hospital building.
Commissioner Watkins made a motion to approve the meeting minutes for the January 29, 2021 meeting. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.
The commissioners placed a call to Cody Taggert of Scull Construction to discuss the courtyard fence. The will look into other options for the fence. The board has decided against doing the wall paneling. They have not received plans for the Canopy from Scott Cromwell of Slate Architecture.
The meeting adjourned for lunch at 12:00 and reconvened at 1:00
The commission placed a call to Kelly Axeman of Slate Architecture. He will be working on the drawing for the Canopy plans and will have them ready for review at the meeting on Tuesday February 16, 2021.
The Board placed a call to Jade Boggs of the Insurance Store to enquire about insurance for the equipment associated with the communication towers, radio repeater towers. Jade currently doesn't have any policies for them but will set up what the County needs if they require a policy. The County will look into this further.
Carl Knapp Road and Bridge Supervisor joined the meeting. He has contacted Thomas' and Kerrs' regarding crushing gravel at their pit locations this coming season. The Board asked if he would be willing to plow the airport on the days that Jesse isn't available. He agreed to cover anytime Jesse cannot do the plowing.
Carl pointed out two items of clarification of the Personnel Policy. There were no changes to the Compensatory time listed on the manual. Vacation times are listed in the manual in months rather than hours. It is counted in hours on the paystubs. The Manual will be updated to reflect this. Carl left the meeting.
Pam Castleberry reported having sent in the DPHHS COVIT Grant final report due 01-31-2021, may have to return $11,123.72 that was not expended.
Jesse Scott joined the meeting with questions concerning the policy manual. She wanted to know who the County Human resource person is and also asked about temporary employees receiving sick leave and annual leave.
A call was placed to Dan Simmons, bond legal counsel with questions about renaming the new hospital building. He didn't see a problem with renaming the building.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:30 pm.
Board of County Commissioners
Carter County, Montana
Attest:/ s Steve Rosencranz, Chairman Attest:/ s Judy Wright, Deputy Clerk to the Board