Minutes: January 18, 2022

The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, January 18, 2022, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana. Steve Rosencranz, Chairman; Rod Tauck, Vice Chair and Mike Watkins, Member; were present.

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am.

There was no public comment

Carter/Fallon County Extension Agent Amanda Williams joined the meeting. She requested keys to the Event Center for the County Extension, 4-H Leader or Fair Board, so that they would have access to the building for events such as shooting sports and Fair. The commissioners stated that they want to make sure that there is accountability for use of the facility and do not want too many extra keys out. They have spoken to Bob Jacobs, County maintenance requesting that he change the locks. They discussed use of lock box to store a key. The commission will speak to Courtney Montgomery, Event Center Coordinator, before they decide who should have keys. Amanda left the meeting.

County Attorney Corbit Harrington joined the meeting. He gave a brief explanation of the Montana Attorney General opinion of abandonment of County roads. Corbit also expounded on the road abandonment procedures outlined by the State Legislature.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Carl Knapp stopped into the meeting with an update on Road Department projects. The road crew has finished installing the landscape drainage system on the East and North areas of the new hospital.

The gravel haul on the Hammond RD has been completed. Judy Wright, Deputy Clerk and Recorder, joined the meeting, she requested information from Carl on the final payment due to Walker Livestock for the work they completed on their last bid project.

There was discussion about mining gravel and the roads in the South end of the County that have not been graveled yet.

The Brownfield pit was inspected by DEQ Mining division, last month where they found no issues.

The road department is not going to repair the old service truck as Sheriff Kittlemann has purchased a government surplus truck to use as a water tender. They will use it for parts and scrap what is not useable.

The Road Department would like to purchase steel they use to construct car gates. Carl received a quote from Baker Metal for approx. $58,000.00 and Garlick Steel for $50,452.00. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to buy a truck load of steel from Garlick Steel of Minneapolis, Minnesota for $50,452.00. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.  Carl left the meeting.

The Commission placed a call to Event Center Coordinator Courtney Montgomery. She requested the option to use a yearly contract for entities’ that use the facility on a regular schedule. The Commission agreed to a yearly contract with dates the Center would be rented.

Courtney also requested that the 4-H and Fair Board be allowed to keep a copy of the key to the building. The was discussion of changing the locks with professional locks that could not be duplicated. The Commission will talk to County Maintenance Bob Jacobs about the plans for changing the locks.

Courtney requested a change of address for the Event Center as well. The mail currently goes to the Courthouse box. She would like to use the Camp Needmore box. The commission agreed.

The meeting broke for lunch at 12:00 and reconvened at 1:00

The Board placed a call to Bridget Ekstrom form D.A. Davidson to discuss the accounting fund for the Hospital build project.

The minutes for the January 13, 2022 meeting were read and approved. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve the proceedings from January 13,2022. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

The reviewed the County Custodial job description They discussed a daily check sheet or a daily cleaning log.

Bridget Ekstrom of D.A. Davidson called the Commissioners. They discussed the proper Accounting procedures for the hospital building project funds. The remaining funds must be spent on the project or debt service. When the project is complete the funds must be to the transferred to debt service. The call ended with Bridget.

Cam Labree President of the Fair Board and Judy Wright, Deputy Clerk and Reorder joined the meeting. Cam and Judy requested that The Fair Board be exempt from paying the deposit to use the Event Center. Commissioner Tauck made the motion to wave the deposit for the Fair Board for use of the Event Center. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. The was no public comment. The motion carried unanimously.

The Fair Board received member applications from Kelly Spring and Charlotte Kalstrom. The Board accepted both applications, making the Fair Board a 7-member Board.

The commissioners approved the appointment with a motion from Commissioner Tauck. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Watkins. There was no public comment and the motion carried. The Fair Board approved the up dated By-laws with corrections. The Commissioners signed to approve the Fair Board By laws.

The Commission will meet with the Fair Board for their annual meeting March 7, 2022 at 6 or 6:30 pm at the Event Center.  

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:00 pm.

Board of County Commissioners

Carter County, Montana

Attest:/s Steve Rosencranz                                Attest:/s Pamela J Castleberry

Steve Rosencranz, Chairman                                                      Clerk of the Board



Agenda: February 10, 2022


Agenda: January 31, 2022