Minutes: January 29, 2021

Commission Proceedings


The Carter County Commissioners met on Friday, January 29, 2021 in the Carter County Courthouse Boardroom. Present were Steve Rosencranz Chairman, Rod Tauck vice chair, Mike Watkins member and Corbit Harrington. Commissioner Rosencranz called the meeting to order at 8:47 AM.

The commission reviewed claims in the amount of $1,271,046.49 and payroll in the amount of


Carl Knapp, Road and Bridge supervisor has requested permission to rent the track hoe and the hammer another week so that he can finish the job.

Kathy Rosencranz, Justice of The Peace, joined the meeting to present the commission with case work and law enforcement numbers for 2020.

The Board reviewed and revised the addendum to Pluhar's lease of the Airport hangar. Commissioner Tauck made the motion to approve the addendum to Pluhar's lease. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

The commission discussed finding a physician to provide standing orders for the COVID-19 vaccinations. The Health Department will need to purchase software to do billing. This will require a healthcare provider to facilitate the use of the program.

Pam Castleberry, Clerk and Recorder joined the meeting to let the commissioners know that she has contacted Midrivers Communication to have the phone line for the County Health Department moved to he basement. She stated that Dahl Memorial and Raquel Williams are willing to help get the Public Health office ready to do vaccinations next week. Pam submitted the Well Child and Maternal Health Grant this week and will turn over the paperwork to Trish Laughlin, County Health Nurse.

Attorney Harrington completed revising the Hospital Courtyard drawings and presented the commission the changes that he has made.

The Carter County Conservation District board members joined the meeting. Doug Bonsell, Wayne Yost, as well as Michael Millward, Fallon/ Carter Extension Agent. They proposed that Carter County help fund the purchase of a new John Deere no - till drill. The total cost of the drill would be approximately

$63,000.00. They may have grant funds totaling $30,000.00. The group discussed maintenance and repair, insurance and contract for use of the drill. The commission tabled the decision until the Conservation District provides copies of rental agreement and maintenance contract.

Georgia Bruski DES, joined the meeting to review the proposed procurement policy. DES is requiring all Counties to have a procurement policy on file. This plan would be implemented during a disaster. The Department Head or the elected official would serve as the purchasing agent. Georgia left the meeting.

MACo has received funding for Homeland Security to provide cyber Security training to Montana Counties. This training would be free to County and its employee's. Participating in the training would qualify the County for a NIST assessment that normally costs the $2,500.00. This assessment would lower the County insurance premiums. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve the participation in the MACo cyber security training. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

The commission received the proposed contract for leasing the no till drill The Conservation District has asked the County purchase.

The Board conducted an interview over Zoom with S. Jason Moore, applicant for public Health Officer. The Board discussed contracting with Jason's consulting company, Fence Line Consulting in leu of hiring him as the Public Health Officer.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:38pm. Board of County Commissioners

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Agenda: February 16, 2021


Agenda: February 11, 2021