Minutes: July 12, 2021
The Carter County Commissioners met on Thursday, July 12, 2021 in the Carter County Courthouse Boardroom. Present were Steve Rosencranz Chairman, and Rod Tauck Vice Chair. Member Mike Watkins was absent.
Chairman Steve Rosencranz called the meeting to order at 9:00 am. Guests present Bob Jacobs, maintenance and Corbit Harrington County Attorney.
Bob Jacobs County Maintenance, joined the meeting with information regarding the new regulations for underground tanks. This will require another inspection possibly by a State Inspector. Bob and the commissioners discussed maintenance on the boilers for the old hospital building. The commission agreed to tag out the boiler that needs repairs at the next inspection. Bob left the meeting.
Jennifer Waterland joined the meeting to request permission to hold the Ekalaka Bump and Run at the Airport this coming August. Commissioner Tauck made the motion to grant the Bump and Run Club permission to have the Bump and Run in August. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion carried. Jennifer affirmed that they do have current liability insurance. There was no public comment and the motion carried. Jennifer left the meeting.
Sheriff Neil Kittlemann stopped in to update the commission on the JP Smith Rd gravel. He had Carl Knapp look at the road. They plan to fill the holes with one dump truck load of gravel and have Carl do the work with his equipment on his time. This will cost $800.00 that will be paid out of Severity funds. Neil mentioned that the Hidden Springs road could use some work as well. Neil left the meeting.
OAC meeting
Guests include: Greg Benjamin and Bret Robinson of Stahly Engineering. John Niesner, Cody Taggert, and Robert Johnson, Scull Construction. Ryan Tooke, DMHA EEO. Scott Cromwell and Kelly Axtman from Slate Architect joined by phone.
Cody presented the CAR #8 for the commission to review.
Robert addressed safety and security, currently they are still waiting for the kitchen door core.
Dahl Memorial CEO Ryan Tooke joined the meeting.
The group reviewed the Commissioners punch list; report from building inspector, Water coming in under the West walk in door, no slope under the overhead doors to the ambulance bay, water from the air exchangers running on to the roof and into the north retention pond, finish work on the corner of the stairs near the elevator needs redone. no snow guards on the nursing home wing, there is no slope to the drain in the decontamination room. There’s no seal between the wall and the floor in the decontamination room. The eye of the overhead ER door is not operational. The propane tank line needs secured, the propane usage has been high. Scull has fixed serval leaks and installed a new regulator any other repairs would need to be done by Don Nadu or the County.
The plan for the landscape at the new hospital includes sod in the north side retention pond and a retention swell that would add a depth of 1.5‘on the East side of the building with sod. The soil from the East side of the building would be added to the retention pond.
There will be a video tape made of the maintenance of the buildings systems. There will also be training on when the building complete, at 6 months and 12 months post construction.
The addition of snow guards on the East side of the building would cost in excess $8,500.00. Scull would have the same contractor install the East side snow guards. He will be here to do the work in September.
Scull will install the extra down spout on the North side of the building. There is material here for them. Scull will install with no labor charge.
The inspector is requiring a two-way communication system at the top floor of the elevator as per the state code. Muth Electric has the system on hand and will install. There will be an additional cost of $3,700.00.
Ryan Tooke DMHC CEO would like to start moving supplies and medical records in to the new building after the Days of 85.
The door contractor will be back this week to connect the ER door eye and finish install.
CAR # 8 will include final fees for direct jobsite allowances. This will come out of the Counties contingency fund. Cody will send out an electronic copy of the CAR #8.
Pam stated that there had been no bill submitted from Scull for the month of June. Kelly will look into the situation and get back to Cody.
There was discussion concerning content insurance and building liability coverage. Scull Construction still carries risk insurance on building until occupancy.
There will be a one year walk through to assess needed repairs.
After a quick inspection John, Cody, Greg, Bret and Robert returned to the meeting where Greg recommended a south retention ditch. The commissioners agreed to the South side retention ditch. The OAC meeting adjourned.
The Commission was joined by the Predator Board members; guests included Ralph Brownfield Predator Board president, David Wolff and Jeff Tauck Predator Board members. The discussed Predator Board by laws, meeting minutes and the Chad Harrington contract. The commission placed a call to Chad Harrington where he addressed the length of the contract. Attorney Harrington will redraft the contract to spell out a July 1st – June 30th contract. The total amount paid will be $4,000.00 paid monthly over the year. Chad will provide Independent Contractors license and any work done flying with Mark Huseby would be Marks responsibility. The Predator Board left the meeting.
Senior Coordinator Trisha Lovec joined the meeting to present the commission with resignation of Martha Elmore. She will no longer be cleaning the Senior Center. Kathy Smith will take over her duties.
Tricia has advertised for a substitute senior bus driver with no applicants to date. She will run the ad until filled.
Commissioner Tauck made the motion to approve the appoint of Carole Carey and Margorie Burch to The Council on aging. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried. Tricia left the meeting.
The commission discussed the final direct job site allowances, billed from Scull Construction -part of the CAR #8. This bill included the garbage dumpster fees, propane, porta potty rental and electric. They will contact Cody for itemized statements.
Greg Benjamin and Bret Robinson Stahly Engineering, returned to the meeting after taking measurements of the floor slope in the decontamination room and the thresh hold on walk-through ER door. They found that the floor in the decon room is level and would prevent contaminants running down the drain to the under-floor tank. Greg will call Scott Cromwell about the floor and will be returning to Ekalaka later this week to check landscape grades.
Commission called Jade Boggs of The Insurance Store to request a quote for Liability coverage on the new hospital building.
The commission placed a call to A and A Stieg to order propane for the new hospital building.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:25.
Board of County Commissioners
Carter County, Montana
Attest: s: / Steve Rosencranz Attest: s: / Pamela J Castleberry
Steve Rosencranz, Chairman Clerk of the Board