Minutes: July 30, 2021

The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Friday, July 30, 2021 in the Carter County Courthouse Board Meeting room of the Carter County Courthouse in Ekalaka, Montana.  Steve Rosencranz Chairman, Rod Tauck Vice Chair, Mike Watkins member were present. 

Commissioner Rosencranz called the meeting to order at 8:51 am.

Guest included Melody Loken.

Commissioners reviewed and signed claims in the amount of $$1,162,574.50; payroll in the amount of $238,288.55.

Troy Fruit Airport Board president, joined the meeting to request permission to commission Jennifer Hall to paint a 5x5 mural on canvas to be displayed in the airport Pilots lounge. The commission tabled the decision on the mural until the August 02, 2021 meeting.

Troy spoke to Sacrision Paving and they will be on site Wednesday August 04, 2021. They plan to have the paving completed in two days. Troy left the meeting.

Attorney Corbit Harrington joined the meeting.

The commissioners discussed the Fish and Game hunting in within a mile of the Town limits. Corbit has communicated with the Fish and Game and the Town of Ekalaka. Corbit finds that the County has no jurisdiction on FWP hunting.

Clerk and Recorder Pam Castleberry joined the meeting. The County received a claim for a membership/ deposit for the new hospital building. Pam reported that Scull Construction paid the bill through April. Dahl Memorial paid the June and July statement. Carter County received the statement for August. The decision was made to table the discussion until the Monday August 04, 2021 meeting.

Evergreen landscape as requested decision on the sod for the hospital building. The emailed the County with the option of seed, or hydro-seeding.

Deputy Clerk and Recorder Judy Wright joined the meeting to report on the Independent Contractors Licenses Kathy Tobin has updated her license and Terry Stieg as made application.

The commission discussed the propane usage and the propane tank farm fence. Don Nadu of Propane Construction may return to secure pipe to the tanks and fix a small leak.

Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve the meeting minutes with corrections for August 19, and 22, 2021. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

The commission called Cody Taggart of Scull Construction about the Hospital building landscape. There was no answer.

They filled out a survey for the Montana Department of Transportation and Stahly Engineering.

Jesi Pearson stopped in for a signature on a title for a Road and Bridge vehicle.

The meeting adjourned for lunch at 12:00 and reconvened at 1:00 pm.

The Road and Bridge Bid opening for two new trucks. New Heavy Haul truck 1) and New Tandem Axel Tractor, truck 2).   Guests include Melody Loken, County Attorney Corbit Harrington, Clerk and Recorder Pam Castleberry, Charles Parks and representatives from Rapid City Peterbilt, Floyds Truck of Rapid city, and Westlie Truck Center of Dickinson, ND.

Peterbilt Rapid City

Truck 1 $160,500.00                       Truck 2 $146,000.00

Floyds Truck Service Rapid City

Truck 1  $148,800.00        Truck 2 $127,450.00

Black Hills Truck and Trailer Rapid City, SD

Truck 1 $150,960.63                         Truck 2 $130,093.56

Westlie Truck Center

Truck 1 $145,908.00                         Truck 1 $148,151.00

Truck 2 $121,743.00                         Truck 2 125,788.00

Delivery of the trucks may be late first quarter of next year as the dealerships do not have inventory in stock. The Road and Bridge Supervisor Carl Knapp will review the bids and the commission will make the final decision at the next Commissioners meeting scheduled for the August 02, 2021.

Public Health Board meeting: see Public Health minutes.

Alan Loken joined the meeting to discuss the 20-year gravel pit lease between the County and The Loken Ranch. Alan finds no clause in the event of the sale of the ranch. He is concerned about liability coming back on the Loken family if the original lease is transferred to the new ranch owners.

The commissioners and County attorney Corbit Harrington recommended that Alan and family speak to an attorney about their concerns and then make sure that the gravel pit is included in the agreement. Alan would like to see the contract re-negotiated with the new land owners, as the cost of gravel as increased. Attorney Harrington stated that traditionally the lease transfers to the new landowner as is, but they are free to discuss negotiation with the commissioners. Alan left the meeting.

The commissioners called Cody Taggart from Scull Construction to discuss seeding of the hospital building lawn. Cody will review the original specs and additions Evergreen Landscape has proposed. Cody will send email today and present seeding information at the OAC meeting on Monday.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 3:50 pm.

Board of County Commissioners

Carter County, Montana

attest:/s Steve Rosencranz                        Attest:/s Pamela J Castleberry

Chairman of the Board                                                           Clerk of the Board


Minutes:August 09, 2021


Minutes:August 02, 2021