Minutes: March 11, 2021

The Carter County Commissioners met on Monday March 11, 2021 in the Carter County Courthouse Boardroom. Present were Steve Rosencranz Chairman, Mike Watkins Member, and Attorney Corbit Harrington.  Rod Tauck Vice Chair joined remotely.

Guests William Kalstrom, Jerry Kalstom, and Clayton Stieg joined the meeting to present the Board with a request for help with purchasing property, leveling the lot and removing stumps for their proposed baseball field. The Commission asked that they get a survey and land prices before the board would look into the matter further.  The Commissioners recommended that the Town of Ekalaka own the property rather than the County. William, Jerry and Clayton left the meeting.

Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve the March 08, 2021 minutes with corrections. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion and it carried with no public comment.

Commissioner Tauck joined the meeting by video conference.

The was discussion on Senior Citizen donation of land near the Museum to the County. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to acquire the donated property by Deed of Concurrence. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no pubic comment and the motion carried.

The Board discussed Carter County Public Health Department’s need for physician and pharmaceutical support. The Commissioners will meet with Dahl Memorial Health Care Board Monday, March 15, 2021.

Several employees have not returned the signed appendixes. Clerk and Recorder Pam Castleberry called them last week to remind them to turn them in.

Pam presented a letter she sent to Jesse Scott Weed Supervisor outlining the change of job duties from part -time airport maintenance to full time Weed Supervisor.

Clayton Stieg Ekalaka Water and Sewer Superintendent joined the meeting to voice concerns regarding the location of the cement that may be poured over the water and sewer lines on the south west corner of the hospital building. Clayton also requested an as built drawing for the town. Clayton left the meeting.

The Board called the Museum and regarding signing the Personnel Policy Appendixes. They will turn them in today.

The commission broke for lunch at 12:00 pm.  The meeting was called to order at 1:00.

The Predator Board, Jeff Tauck, Tom Jardee, Mac Tooke, Ralph Brownfield, and Seth Sedgewick from the Stock Growers joined the meeting.

Jeff Tauck made the motion to approve the Predator Board by-laws. Seconded by Mac Tooke. There was no public comment and they all voted in favor.

Commissioner Tauck made the motion, Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. The motion carried with no public comment.

Commissioner Tauck made the motion to appoint Keith Beach as the at large member of the Predator Board. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion carried with no public comment.

The Commissioners called Cody Taggart of Scull Construction to touch base on several Hospital build items. The Commission agreed to review the pricing for the Creative Iron Works fence around the Courtyard.

They discussed the drawing for the Courtyard where the concrete would be stained and stamped. The Board would like to use traditional concrete to finish the Courtyard.

The drainage on the East side of the Hospital they would prefer to have the area properly landscaped with grading away from the building and sod put down. They discussed with Cody using down spouts with extension as well. If the drainage is still an issue the Board will look at installing the rock strip to help control where the water collects on that side of the building.

The Canopy detail, Cody stated that the original roofing is contracted to be membrane. The plans have since changed to a metal roof. This will come with numerous changes to the plans and expense. He proposed keeping the membrane roofing, adding metal coping, and keeping the underside open for a cost savings. The commission agreed that this would be the most cost-effective option.

They will discuss the ADA access, stairs, and drainage for the main entrance during Monday’s OAC meeting.

Cody updated the group on an issue with the DMHA Logo signage which may be resolved at next weeks meeting.

Emergency sign illumination, there is no power to the sign in the specs therefore none was installed. Cody will look into the regulations to see if it is required that the signs be illuminated.

The Board and Cody discussed placing a door between the Public telemed room and the joining room. Cody will get pricing for this addition.

The kitchen worktable surface was discussed. Scull would like to see an AFI for this as soon as possible. The signage was approved 2 weeks ago but will be added to the discussion as owners’ items for Monday’s meeting.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 3:32 pm.

Board of County Commissioners

Carter County, Montana

Attest: Steve Rosencranz                              Attest: Pamela J Castleberry

Steve Rosencranz, Chairman                                                       Clerk of the Board




Agenda: March 25, 2021


Agenda: March 15, 2021