Minutes: October 12, 2021
The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday , October 12, 2021, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana. Rod Tauck, Vice Chair and Mike Watkins, Member; was present. Steve Rosencranz, Chairman; was absent.
Guests include: DES (Disaster and Emergency Services) Coordinator Georgia Bruski, and Attorney Jennifer Williams and Road and Bridge Supervisor Carl Knapp.
Georgia stopped in to let the commission know that she will be out of the office next week for the DES association meeting. She will also be gone to meetings in Helena next month.
Georgia received word that BLM (Bureau of Land Management) is removing Stage I fire restrictions this week. Georgia left the meeting.
Commissioner Tauck called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM.
Public Comment from Jennifer Williams and Carl Knapp.
The commission called Greg Benjamin of Stahly Engineering; they discussed the Denbury road use agreement. The pipeline will be substantially complete by October 20, 2021. Greg would like to start the post assessment next week starting in Powder River County and working into Carter County with a 2 to 3-week completion date. Carl has plans to have the road crew gravel approximately 14 miles of the South end of the Hammond RD, they would like to complete the project before winter weather sets in and after the road assessment. The phone call with Greg ended and Carl left the meeting.
The commission reviewed the meeting minutes from September 30, 2021
OAC (Owner, Architect, Contractor) meeting:
Present: Kelly Axtman Slate Architect and Corbit Harrington County Attorney and Ryan Tooke, Dahl Memorial CEO. Phone in: Greg Benjamin and Dax Simek Stahly Engineering. John Neisner and Cody Taggart Scull Construction. Stefanie Harrington Public Health Manager.
The southside berm/ water retention – 3” drainage pipe installed. Greg would like to see it extended on the Eastside and seed the area. There’s and option to use a 6” pipe. He requested pictures if the berm fails.
Contractor Items: the propane usage is being monitored by Scull Construction and Allied Mechanical. The boiler system has been recalibrated and the range between heating and cooling has been broadened. Kelly will take propane tank readings today and send them to Scull today.
Work on the Decontamination room floor will be the week of October 25, 2021.
The commission requested the “as built” drawings for the sprinkler system. Scull will contact Evergreen landscaping.
The Generator wasn’t shutting off after the weekly test run. Hospital maintenance shut it down manually. Scull and Muth will look in to it.
Owner items: Training will be coordinated with Muth, Nor Pack, North star and Scull for the week of November 1st – 5th, 2021. Nurse call training will be November 4, 2021.
Ryan stated that there are several items that will need to be taken care of before the next inspection. John requested the list so that the items may be address. Ryan has also contracted Muth Electric directly to have 24 electrical outlets installed.
Stefanie Harrington mentioned that the door between the Public Health Exam room and the office needs a lock.
The sprinkler system layout was discussed. Scull will address the issue with the sprinkler head in the retention pound. Attorney Harrington stated that the water retention system is a hazard and would like to see corrections made before winter. Greg Benjamin will contact the commission about installing a French drain system and will work out side of the original contract with Scull Construction.
James Taylor will be onsite for a final walk through of the punch list today. The next OAC meeting is scheduled for November 1, 2021. The OAC meeting concluded at 10:45.
Greg Benjamin called back to discuss the water retention around the new hospital. They discussed installing a perforated pipe and washed rock to form a French drain system vertical in the North pond and horizontal in the berm area. Greg and Dax will dry up plans to be emailed to the Commission.
John from Scull Construction called back; the whole line to the sprinkler head in the retention pond has been removed. It has been capped off at the T near the building.
Airport Board President joined the meeting for William Bill Kalstrom 6-month performance review. The Airport Board recommends that the County end the probational period for Bill. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to remove Bill from probation with an increase in pay to $19.03 starting October 2021.
The meeting broke for lunch at 12:00 and reconvened at 1:00.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Carl Knapp and County employee Garth Conroe joined the meeting. Garth took part in an exit interview. Garth’s last day will be October 28, 2021. He will provide a letter of resignation. Garth left the meeting.
Attorney Harrington joined the meeting
Carl updated the Commissioners on the Road Crew applications, Dana Blutt withdrew his application. Carl hasn’t been able to contact David Loudermilk. Carl requested that the County advertise the position until the position is filled. The Commissioners agreed.
Carl has contacted Garelick Steel in Minneapolis about purchasing another load of steel used to fabricate car gates. the estimated cost is $48,000.00.
Bid opening: 1990 Midland 3 axel Belly dump trailer. Shay Beyer-$1981.00. Ernie Melum- $3700.00. Benji Knapp $750.00.
Bid opening: 1990 Midland single axel belly dump pup: Shay Beyer-$881.00. Ernie Melum-$370.00. Benji Knapp- $750.00
Commissioner Watkins made the motion to award the trailer to Ernie Melum for $370.00 and the pup to Shay Beyer for $ 881.00. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried unanimously. Carl will call the bidders to inform them of the outcome of the bids. Carl left the meeting.
The commissioners called John Neisner of Scull Construction regarding the invoices from Muth Electric and Evergreen Landscaping. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to pay the warrant to Muth Electric for the hospital building propane tank connections.
The commissioners called Evergreen Landscaping regarding the invoice for repair of the sprinkler system line. They left a message to speak to the manager. The commission called John from Scull Construction regarding the invoice from Evergreen Landscaping. He requested a copy of the invoice and will look into the situation.
Carter County Conservation District Doug Bonsell joined the meeting. The Conservation District hired Tori Tooke as the District Clerk. Tori will be paid $15.00 per hour until she has completed her 6-month probation period at which time her pay will be $19.03 per hour.
Doug requested funding for the remaining monies to purchase a no till drill that the Conservation district had previously discussed with the Commission. The district has $30,000.00 in grant funds. They have not been able to find a used drill. they have found a new drill that would require an additional funding of $31,399.00. They will be using the drill for Carter County producers to rent as per the agreement the Conservation district presented the commission at an earlier meeting.
Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve $31,399.00 for the purchase of a no-till drill for the conservation district to rent to Producers. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment. The motion carried.
Doug resigned from his position on the Fair Board. He will follow up with a letter of resignation.
Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve the meeting minutes for September 23 and 30, 2021. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.
Monica for Evergreen Landscaping called in reference to the invoice for $855.56. The invoice is for repair to the Courthouse sprinkler system that took place during the install of the hospital sprinkler system. Monica had no further information on who caused the damage.
Doug Bonsell returned with his letter of resignation from the Fair Board. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to accept Doug’s resignation. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.
The commissioners discussed possible usages and projects with old hospital building.
Attorney Harrington presented an updated contract for use of the Event Center. Cherri Gentry was not in attendance to join in the discussion. The commission chose to place the Event Center contract for use on the agenda for Monday October 18, 2021.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 3:20.
Board of County Commissioners
Carter County, Montana
Attest: /s: Steve Rosencranz Attest: /s: Pamela J Castleberry
Steve Rosencranz, Chairman Clerk of the Board