Agenda: August 30, 2021

Carter County Commissioners will accept public comment on any agenda item during decision at time of scheduled agenda item.

Consent Items: Approve meeting minutes, Road and Bridge employee resignation

call to order

8:30 payroll and claims

9:00-9:15 public comment

Payroll and claims  

10:00 OAC meeting

11:00 OAC meeting

12:00 lunch

1:00 Public Hearing- 2022 Budget and levies

2:00 Consideration of suspension of RFP

3:30 County Superintendent of Schools interview T. Walker

4:00 adjourn

Note:  The Board of County Commissioners meet the first three Mondays each month and the last working regular day. Should a holiday fall on a Monday, the board will meet the following Tuesday.  They also meet the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month.

The Agenda is posted at the doors of the Clerk and Recorders Office, the Commission Office and on the official Carter County Website:


Agenda: Tuesday, September 07, 2021


Minutes:August 16, 2021