Meeting Minutes: February 14, 2022

The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, February 14, 2022, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana. Rod Tauck, Vice Chair; were present. Steve Rosencranz, Chairman; Mike Watkins; member was absent.

There was not a quorum until 1:00 pm for the public Health Board meeting. There were discussions with Commissioner Tauck until such time as the other commissioners called in to the meeting.

Road and bridge supervisor Carl Knapp joined the meeting. He has been contacted by Charles Parks who has steel that he purchased to build car gates.

DES coordinator, Georgia Bruski stopped in to let the Commission know that Representative Rosendale will be in Ekalaka on February 22, 2022 to meet with the Carter County Fire Warden, Neil Kittlemann. 

The meeting was called into session at 1:00 pm

  Public Health Board meeting.

 Present: Vice Chair Rita William, Secretary Rod Tauck, Attorney Corbit Harrington, Public Health manager Stefanie Harrington, Public Health Nurse, Kirstie Nelson and Steve DeFord.

Call into the meeting included: Commissioner Steve Rosencranz and Mike Watkins. Public Health Officer/ Nurse Trish Laughlin.

The discussion points after the Health Board meeting included the need for a refrigerator for vaccine storage. Trish will get quotes from vendors to present to the Commissioners.

Stefanie asked how the County would pay Tori Price, the person who has been working on setting up the billing system set up. She has helped the Carter County Public Health a quire an MPI number. She will submit her hours through a temp agency or as a private contractor.

Trish was not aware that Tori Price was hired to do the work of getting the billing system set up. Trish would like to know what billing software she is setting up and what is the time frame for completion. She also asked for the amount that Tori will charge for her services.

Kirstie asked that she receive a job description for her position as Carter County Public Health Nurse.

Trish Stefanie and Kirstie will meet to workout the details of setting up the billing system and the Public Health office and schedule a meeting with the commissioners.

The Ekalaka Airport Non-Federal 2023 grant NAVAIDS signature and approval was tabled until the next meeting.

Commissioner Rosencranz and Watkins hung-up.

Sheriff Neil Kittlemann stopped in to speak with the Commissioners. There was not a quorum and the meeting adjourned at 3:00 pm.

Board of County Commissioners

Carter County, Montana

Attest:/s: Steve Rosencranz                                       Attest:/s: Pamela J Castleberry

Steve Rosencranz, Chairman                                                      Clerk of the Board



Meeting Minutes: February 22, 2022


Agenda: March 14, 2022