Meeting Minutes: July 19, 2021

 The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, July 19, 2021, in the Carter County Courthouse Board Meeting room of the Carter County Courthouse in Ekalaka, Montana.  Steve Rosencranz Chairman, and Rod Tauck Vice Chair, were present.  Mike Watkins member, was absent. 

Board Chairman Steve Rosencranz called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

Bob Jacobs County Maintenance joined the meeting to report an issue with the HVAC system pump. Both pumps are working after Bob reset one of them. He will watch it for further issues. Bob left the meeting.

Treasure Jessi Pearson presented the commissioners with the revenue an investment report. The commissioners signed transfers and investment reports.

Attorney Corbit Harrington joined the meeting.

The was discussion regarding entitlement fund uses and PILT Grant funds. Corbit suggesting looking into Brownfield grant to be used for the old hospital building renovations.

The commission discussed the Denbury use agreement and the easement with Ron Rosencranz.

Attorney Harrington updated the commission on the process of advertising the RFP and the lease for the new hospital building. The lease ad should run 5 consecutive weeks and the RFP for 2 weeks. He has a list of publications that the ads should be placed. The deadline for submittals will be September 30, 2021. Attorney Harrington left the meeting.

Commissioner Tauck made the motion to sign the EMPG fund application. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. There was no public comment. The motion carried unanimously.

The commissioner Tauck made the motion to sign the Predator control contracts for Ethan Lyndell and Robbie Fix and Chad Harrington. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.  Chad Harringtons contract was updated and returned to him for his signature.

Clerk and Recorder Pam Castleberry joined the meeting, she has scheduled the 2022 Preliminary fiscal budget hearing for August 30, 2021, commissioner meeting.

 RFP and Lease for the new hospital building. Ryan Tooke DMHA CEO, Corbit Harrington and Stefanie Harrington, Public Health Supervisor joined the meeting.  Commissioner Rosencranz asked for public comment. Ryan Tooke spoke with several questions: If Dahl Memorial Health Care Association does not get the lease how will the property in the building owned by Dahl be handled? Would there be an opportunity for Dahl Memorial to purchase the building? What if there are no bids? Could it Be advertised as leased to Dahl Memorial Health Care Association? Commissioner Tauck and Attorney Harrington spoke to Ryan’s questions.

If Dahl Memorial plans to bid on the lease, then there will be at least one bid. It has been set up as a competitive process where any health care company could bid.  The commission discussed the administrative structure of Dahl Memorial and other rural hospitals. Attorney Harrington sees a need for separation of duties from managers specializing in all aspects of the business.

Commissioner Tauck made the motion to advertise the RFP for 5 weeks and the lease for 2 weeks with deadline for of September 30, 2021. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. There was no other public comment and the motion carried. The RFP and Lease will be advertised in the Billings, Ekalaka, Rapid City and Bismarck.

Road and Bridge supervisor Carl Knapp joined the meeting. He updated the commission on the JP Smith Road work that was completed Sunday with his equipment on his time and his own cost.

The grading and landscape on the Southside of the New Hospital building was discussed.  The plastic culvert was replaced with a metal culvert, road  and parking area graded.

Carl requested permission to repair the service truck at a cost of approximately $3,000.00 so that it may be used for fire suppression by The Road Department. The commission agreed to repair the old service truck.

The meeting broke for lunch at 11:55 and reconvened at 1:00 pm. 

Guests included Ryan Tooke DMHA CEO. He asked if the County would be willing to use a company the offers document shredding services. He would like the service for Dahl Memorial but the company will not come to Ekalaka for one account.

The commission discussed their punch list, landscape and roof top condenser running water on the roof into the north side retention pond. Ryan left the meeting.

The county received $121,593.00 as the first half of the federal ARPA funds. Pam Castleberry requested that the commission make a final decision as what to do with the funds. She has received notice that local government services requested a letter of intent for the funds.

The seconded half of the funding is earmarked for water and sewer projects. MACO is working with the state to allocate the funds to the city governments without the Counties receiving it first, the Counties would avoid over sight of the funds use and a Federal audit. Commissioner Tauck made the motion to approve the letter of commitment sent to Local Government Services and The Town of Ekalaka. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Commissioner Tauck made the motion to approved the meeting minutes for June 30, 2021 and July 06, 2021. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. There was no pubic comment and the motion carried.

The commission called Zac Mader from Environmental Services landscape company. Zac agreed to replace the under-ground sprinkler main on the West side of the courthouse when they have completed the hospital project.

The commissioners placed a call to Scott Cromwell regarding the contract for services with The County. He is willing to honor the current contract through the completion of the project.

The commission called Don Nadu of Propane Construction LLC with questions on the propane line between the tanks. There has been no contact with Propane Construction LLC. The County will secure the pipe between the tanks.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:15


Board of County Commissioners

Carter County, Montana

Attest: /s:   Steve Rosencranz,                             Attest: / s: Pamela Castleberry

Chairman                                                                  Clerk of the Board


Meeting Minutes: July 22,2021


Agenda:July 30, 2021