Meeting Minutes: July 22,2021

The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Thursday, July 22, 2021 in the Carter County Courthouse Board Meeting room of the Carter County Courthouse in Ekalaka, Montana.  Steve Rosencranz Chairman, Rod Tauck Vice Chair, Mike Watkins member were present. 

Board Chairman Steve Rosencranz called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

The commission returned a call to John Neisner of Scull Construction, with no answer.

The commission discussed the RFP and lease for the new hospital building.

The commission called Jade Boggs of the Insurance Store regarding insurance for the new hospital building. He hasn’t heard back from the underwriters. He will give them a call and get back to the commissioners.

The commission signed the Predator control contract with Chad Harrington.

There was discussion of the Fish Wildlife and Parks rifle hunt within a mile of Ekalaka City limits.

John Neisner of Scull Construction called to check on landscape project as well as other punch list items. They discussed maintenance of the sprinkler system with Evergreen Landscape as they do the maintenance on the courthouse system. The decontamination room floor will be ground down by Scull to slope the floor toward the drain. They will seal the floor and wallboard. There are three windows to be installed next week as well. Scull Construction will carry insurance until the building is occupied.  The building inspector will be on site Tuesday 27th of August and may issue a certificate of occupation.

The commission Called Jade Boggs of the Insurance Store. They discussed when the policy will be in effect. The contents will be covered by the lessee. There will be an option to ad some contents coverage if the county needs it.

Cam LaBree of the Fair Board called and requested permission to hire a 15-year-old night watchman at the fair grounds for Days of 85. Attorney Harrington will research the legality of a 15-year-old as a watchman.

Carter County Superintendent of Schools Tracey Walker joined the meeting to request that the commission sign a Petition and Resolution to approve the opening of Hawks Home School. This will qualify Hawks Home School for accreditation funds.  Commissioner Tauck made the motion to sign the petition and the resolution to open Hawks Home School. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried. Tracey left the meeting.

Public Health Supervisor Stefanie Harrington joined the meeting.

The commission called Cam LaBree about hiring a night watchman. Cam has someone to cover the duties Thursday and Friday night and the younger person is actually 16 years old. This would meet age requirements to fill the duties. Attorney Harrington finds issue with workers compensation insurance coverage for the temporary hires for the fair. This would include superintendents, judges and clerks. Cam assumed that they would be covered under the Counties liability and workers compensation insurance.

The commissioners called Jade Boggs at the Insurance Store and confirmed that they are covered by the county’s insurance. The commission called Cam to let her know and request that she supply a list of hires and total hours that they worked.

Attorney Harrington left the meeting.

Commissioner Tauck made the motion to approve the meeting minutes for July 12, 2021 with corrections. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

The commission discussed the propane tank farm at the new hospital building. They will look into securing the pipe to the tanks and possibly fencing the area. This would limit access to the shut off valve and the pipes between the tanks.

Sheriff Neil Kittlemann joined the meeting to discuss the emergency fire phone pager system. They are reducing the amount of people on the list. He will remove the commissioners from the list as per their agreement.  The Alzada call system is separate and he will keep Commissioners Watkins and Tauck on the Alzada list.   

Sheriff Kittlemann mentioned the JP Smith road has been bladed and may not need gravel. Neil left the meeting.

Attorney Harrington joined the meeting. The commissioners filled out a survey for Stahly Engineering Services.

Judy Wright, Deputy Clerk and Recorder present the commission with a list of independent Contractors licenses for Contracts with the County. There was discussion regarding businesses that are required to have an Independent Contractors license. Attorney Harrington will research this and advise the commission. 

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12:05 pm.

Board of County Commissioners

Carter County, Montana

Attest: /s: Steve Rosencranz                                                      Attest: /s: Pamela Castleberry

Chairman                                                                                              Clerk of the Board


Agenda: August 02, 2021


Meeting Minutes: July 19, 2021