Minutes April 22, 2021
The Carter County Commissioners met on Thursday, April, 22, 2021 in the Carter County Courthouse Boardroom. Present were Steve Rosencranz Chairman, Rod Tauck Vice Chair, Mike Watkins member and Attorney Corbit Harrington. Commissioner Rosencranz called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM.
Guests: Troy Fruit, Steve DeFord, Jennifer Williams, Lisa Rieger, Kitty Schmid, Richard Harkins, Vicki Fix. Call in: Jerry and Craig from Great western Engineering.
The group joined the meeting to discuss the Town of Ekalaka boundaries. There are issues that arise with the conflicting surveys, including difficulty getting title insurance and Loans for properties in Ekalaka. There are two main surveys, 1908 survey and a 1976 survey as well as the cadastral survey.
There was discussion regarding having Mike Madler make a map including all three boundaries. There was discussion about who would pay for the new map.
Jerry suggested speaking with Erin Fashaway at the Montana State Library for information on the State Land survey and possible funding solutions for a new survey. There may be funding available through CDBG grants.
Attorney Harrington will look into having the new map with the all of the survey lines and current use of the properties in Ekalaka. He suggested making sure that the public is aware and educated about the situation before moving forward. Jerry and Craig suggested touching base with local lenders about the proposed plans to update the survey.
Attorney Harkins suggested The County Commissioners and the Town Council adopt resolutions to support study and the re-working of the survey lines. The Property boundaries guests left the meeting.
Mark Wright, Wright Construction and the commissioners discussed the agreement for the replacement of the concrete parking area in front of the Courthouse. Mark may vary the slope of the concrete 2-21/2 inches and received approval of the concrete sealer that will be used. He recommended re-sealing the concrete yearly to protect it from salt damage. Mark left the meeting.
The commissioners called Doug Stieg to ask about the propane tank regulators on the hospital building tanks. There were regulators on A & A Stiegs bill as well as Don Nadu’s bid. Doug explained that there are Stage 1 and Stage 2 regulators required for the tank farm. He did have extra pipe and risers that he returned to the supplier and will credit the County when he receive credit.
The commission called Cody Taggart of Scull Construction, propane tanks have been billed outside of the project and to Carter County. Pam joined the meeting to clarify the payments made for this portion of the project. A and A Stieg’s contract for the tank farm was paid for in October, through the billing $94,567.81, direct through Skull’s contract. The installation of lines and regulators was done by Don Nadeau Propane construction for $13,000, which has been paid as well.
Attorney Richard Harkins and Carter County sheriff Neil Kittlemann joined the meeting. Richard is requesting that the Commissioners sign his burn permit allowing him to burn tree limbs. Neil stated that the County is in a Stage I fire restriction and as such he will not sign Richard’s permit. He understands the convenience of being able to burn trash, but the risk of fire is too high. Neil offered that Richard bring trash to the dump to dispose of it until conditions for burning improve. Richard thanked Neil and the Commission for their time and he and Neil left the meeting.
Attorney Harrington discussed Pubic Health laws, regulations and Contracts.
The meeting adjourned for lunch at 11:55 and reconvened at 1:10.
The commission took part in a Carter County Health Board meeting. See the Health Board minutes.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 3:30.
Board of County Commissioners
Carter County, Montana
Attest: /s Steve Rosencranz Attest: /s: Judy Wright Deputy Clerk
Chairman of the Board Clerk of the Board