Minutes: July 7, 2020

Commission Proceedings
The Carter County Commissioners met on Thursday, July 23, 2020 in the Carter County Courthouse Boardroom. Present were Steve Rosencranz, Chairman and Rod Tauck, Vice Chair and Mike Watkins member. Commissioner Rosencranz called the meeting to order at 8:30 AM.
Jessi Pierson joined the meeting to present the end of the year financials to the commissioners. The commissioners signed the journal Voucher entries. The commissioners signed the Pay increase document presented by Cecile Kuehn.
Commissioner Tuck made a motion to hire Jim Sycoria as a substitute in Justice Court for Judge Kathy Rosencranz for a case where she has a conflict of interest. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. The both voted in favor. The motion carried.
Carl Knapp joined the meeting to inquire about crushing 40,000 yards of gravel at the Wolleson Pit. The Road and Bridge Department also plans to bid phase four of the 2020 Crow Creek gravel haul. This would include gravel two miles, starting at car gate past Crow Creek bridge and then starting a second lift at Stoddards and working back 5 miles.
Carl requested permission to turn in a claim for mileage for picking up the sander box, when he went to New Hampshire. The commissioners agree to pay mileage.
Carl asked commissioners their opinion on the County cleaning and repairing the car gates. Attorney Harrington will review legalities and get back to the commission and Carl.
Carl requested to advertise for bids on a new motor grader. Keeping the old grader. Commissioner Watkins made a motion to advertise for a new motor grader. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment. The motion carried.
David Turch- Federal Lobbyist joined the meeting. He would like to work on the Counties behave to secure funding for Highway 323. He will have his staff send a contract and references for the Commission to review.
The Town representatives joined the meeting to discuss the reorganization of the County/ City HealJh board. Present: Vicki Fix, Rita Williams, Libby Barth, and Jim McKay.
Attorney Harrington suggested the first step is to re-write the bylaws and form an interlocal agreement with the Town of Ekalaka. The Public Health board could be restructured at a later date, keeping things has is until the COVID-19 pandemic has passed. The Board could be set as three commissioners and two Town Board members and then include serval non-voting advisory members. The Public Health officer­may have an assistant as well as staff working under the PHO as well has the County Health Board. The Public Health nurse would be designated as the County Health Nurse and work under the direction of the County Health officer as well as the County / City Health Board and the County Commissioners. Attorney Harrington is in the process of reviewing and re writing the Bi-laws. He stated that the Town has an option to be part of the board of have the County make up the board. Vicki the Town Mayor, stated the Town would review the information presented and decide if the Town would still participate on the Board. The Town representatives left the meeting.


Minutes: August 3, 2020


Minutes: July 13, 2020