Minutes: September 8, 2020

Commission Proceedings
The Carter County Commissioners met on Monday September 08 2020 in the Carter County Courthouse Boardroom. Present were Steve Rosencranz Chairman, Rod Tauck Vice Chair, and Mike Watkins member Corbit Harrington Attorney. Commissioner Rosencranz called the meeting to order at 8:55 AM.
Commissioners signed an early warrant to pay for a motel room rented for a Carter County Fair Board Judge in the amount of$ 151.20.
Georgia Bruski, DES coordinator presented the commissioners with the E.M.P.G Grant to approve and sign. Commissioner Tauck made the motion to sign the grant. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.
The Commissioner and Carl Knapp Road and Bridge Supervisor conducted interviews for the Road crew position with the following applicants; Shay Beyer, Garth Conroe called in, Richard Brown called in, and William French. The commission will conduct in person interview with Garth Conroe on Monday. September 14th 2020 at 9:00 am.
Georgia Bruski Carter County DES Coordinator and Dale Butorti Fallon County DES Coordinator: 911 Informational meeting. He has Dustin Davis on board as his Deputy DES/911 Coordinator. They currently have 2 full time dispatch positions covered by 6 dispatchers. They are currently working on updating the system to be able to receive 911 text messages.
Dale is working with Georgia to update the rural physical addressing system. KU Engineering will set the correct addresses as they are updated. Dale would like to have a 4-county meeting in the next year, including Sheriffs, Commissioners and DES from Prairie County, Wibaux County, Fallon County and Carter County. Georgia and Dale left the meeting.
Attorney Harrington Discussed board meeting protocol, executive session.
The meeting broke for lunch at 11:45 and Reconvened at 1:00
Hospital Concrete and drainage ditch Engineering. Guests, Vicki Fix and Kitty Schmid from the Town of Ekalaka, Greg Benjamin and Ashely from Stahly Engineering. Greg and Ashely laid out a plan to address the concerns the Town has about the concrete near the well house being laid over the Town water main. One being that it is common for concrete to be laid over waterlines. they will shorten the length of the concrete so as not to cover the water main and lay gravel in front of the wellhouse. The culvert that runs under the drainage ditch will be insulated on the top. They discussed the size of the culvert and tentatively agreed on 12'.
Commissioner Watkins made a motion to sign the Airport AIP grant oversights Risk management forms. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried unanimously.
Action for Eastern Montana representative Heather Hand ran and Senior Citizens Coordinator Tricia Lovec joined the meeting with a Zoom conference for a Senior Citizens program budget review. Heather clarified that COVID-19 funds could be used for curb side congregate meals, but not regular in-house meals. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve the older Americans Act Contract from Area 1 Action on Aging. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.
The commissioners and Attorney Harrington discussed the Personnel Policy's.
Mac Tooke from the Predator board joined the meeting to discuss plans that would have the Predator board implement a County wide coyote bounty. Pam explained the predator board financials and how they would be able to pay out the bounty. Mac stated that hunters would have to purchase a permit to participate.
Commissioner Rosencranz brought up not going into executive session. Attorney Harrington discussed executive session procedures.
Commissioner Tauck left the meeting at 4: 07
The Commissioners called Greg Benjamin Stahly Engineering follow up - The existing culvert crosses E. Park St. NW of the property is crushed and full of sediment. It would be left as is, since it is a Town street and Town Culvert.
There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 4:45 PM
Board of County Commissioners
Carter County,􀀁

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Minutes: September 14, 2020


Minutes: September 10, 2020